My faith in people is unshakeable.

Humans are capable of magical things, but relating to each other is becoming a real struggle. Empathy is a muscle we're forgetting how to flex. We're wrapped up in our never ending quest for individuality, forgetting to balance connection and community. A sense of belonging.

The truth is, we are more alike than we are different.

The Empathy Project is a book. A "how-to" on connecting better & getting out of your own way

Why practice more empathy?

  • We're all humans

    To practice empathy is to practice self awareness. We judge, 'other' and dismiss people so easily we miss out on not feeling alone. We all belong.

  • Create more safe places

    Being vulnerable feels scary. Being seen feels scary. We can make it easier, learn how to hold space better. Offer safety as a default.

  • True, real connection

    We've all heard, "just put yourself in their shoes." This is book will guide you to HOW to do just that, navigate yourself so you don't get in the way.

I'm Mish

Connecting is my super power. I've been working since I was 18 & come from a modest Pakistani Canadian family. I'm a dog mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend. My last job was working for Google where I led teams in Canada and Latin America. I loved it. But this called to me like nothing ever has. Now I'm on a mission to help people connect better and am writing a how-to for empathy. You in?

My faith in people is unshakeable

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